
This is me 😊

Hi there 👋. Welcome to Kurisu’s Page. I’m a first-year M.Sc. at HAVPR Lab(Human Activity & Visual Perception Research Lab) at Wuhan University, supervised by Prof. Zhigang Tu. My M.Sc. research interests mainly focus on Knowledge distillation, tiny object detection and moving object detection.

I graduated with an B.Eng from the Zhengzhou University in 2023 with the honours degree and outstanding student award. I majored in Software Engineering, where I became interested in computer vision and learned about object detection. Because of my undergraduate performance, I was recommended to study for a master’s degree in computer application technology at Wuhan University. Contact me by Email.

What am i doing now? 😎

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning pytorch, go and C#.
  • 📫 How to reach me: Twitter, Email.
  • Some Tools deployed:
Linus Torvalds
Talk is cheap. Show me the code.